Beatrice Catanzaro and Claudia Pretto in summer 2016 during the development of a work, YOU ARE BUT YOU ARE NOT, in the border city of Bolzano (North Italy). YOU ARE BUT YOU ARE NOT, consists in a long term participatory reflection of our (European) structures and forms of Hegemonic Hospitality in the field of Migration. YOU ARE BUT YOU ARE NOT is produced by the cultural association Lungomare and sprouted from the collaboration between Beatrice Catanzaro and the geographer and researcher Kolar Aparna (
From this encounter Beatrice and Claudia started a regular conversations on the limits and boundaries of the legal language of Hospitality and the possibility to recover its sensoriality, its connection to reality and the subject. Sharing the need to merge methods and knowledge of their fields to experiment new forms of reflective dialogues and processes that could shorter the distance between life and the legal matrix in which we are trapped.
During the seminar, they will share a first attempt to collectively address those questions, starting from their practices and finally trying to engage in a reflective process around notions such as Citizenship, State of Exception and Hospitality.